Legal Notice

The present document establishes the General Conditions of Use of this web page (hereinafter website) that the company, whose registry data are shown below, provides on the Internet:

Ikusnahi Tours S.L.
NIF: B01982792
Miracruz 28 B, 3 derecha
20001 Donostia, Gipuzkoa

The use of the services and/or contents of this website by the user implies and expresses his/her adherence and express acceptance of all the General Conditions of Use in the version published on this website, as well as the data protection policy.

1. Identification data.

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that this document establishes the General Conditions of Use of the website of the company whose registration data are:

IKUSNAHI TOURS (NIF B01982792) is currently responsible for the operation, management and operation of this website.

2. Users.

The access and/or use of this portal attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from said access and/or use, the General Conditions of Use here reflected. The mentioned Conditions will be of application independently of the General Conditions of Contracting that in its case are of obligatory fulfillment.

3. Use of the Web.

The Web provides access to a multitude of information, services, programs or data (hereinafter, "the contents") on the Internet belonging to IKUSNAHI TOURS (hereinafter, "THE OWNER"), or third parties to which the USER may have access. The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the website. The USER promises to make an appropriate use of the contents and services that the OWNER offers through his Web and with character enunciative but not limitative, not to use them for:

Incur in illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order activities;

Disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, illegal pornographic, terrorist apology or against human rights;

Cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the OWNER, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned damage;

Attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.

The OWNER reserves the right to remove any comments and contributions that violate the respect for the dignity of the person, which are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that violate the youth or childhood, order or public safety or that, in his opinion, were not suitable for publication.

In any case, the OWNER will not be responsible, within the limits set by law, for the opinions expressed by users on its website through any participation tool.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property.

All distinctive signs, trademarks, trade names, content, structure, design and presentation of the elements and any other information appearing on this website are owned by the OWNER by itself or as an assignee and are protected by the rights of intellectual property.

The user is prohibited the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication and, in general, any other form of exploitation of the elements referred to in the preceding paragraph without the express authorization of the OWNER.

The user shall refrain from using means that may remove, alter, evade or manipulate any protection devices or security systems that may be installed and that involve a risk or damage or disable the Web site and / or its contents.

The OWNER is not responsible for the possible inappropriate use that third parties make of this Web page, nor for the information that through it they transmit to third parties. The use of the contents that the user can make and the eventual consequences, damages or prejudices that could be derived, are of the exclusive responsibility of the user.

The OWNER is excluded for damages of any kind caused to users by the use of links (links), directories and search tools that allow users to access Web sites owned and / or managed by third parties as well as the presence of viruses or other malicious code in the contents that may cause any damage to the computer system, electronic documents or files of users.

The OWNER reserves the right to exercise the legal actions it deems appropriate arising from any unlawful use by third parties of the contents of its website.

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